Sunday, March 7, 2010

Local Government

What is the local government doing in Colwood to sustain its community and environment? This is the question Mayor Dave Saunders and councillor Judith Cullington answered on January 28. It was very important for our class to learn about Colwood, for this is the community we are a part of for 12 months of our study. And who better to hear from than the Mayor! Colwood is a relatively new community (25 years this year) with a population of approximately 15,000 people. It’s 92% residential with one of the youngest average ages in the CRD (mostly teens and young families). Colwood is growing at an extremely fast rate and is expected to reach a population of 32,000 by 2028! Some of the places Colwood is known for are Esquimalt Lagoon Federal Bird Sanctuary, First Nations history, RRU, Garry Oak Ecosystems, Old Growth Forests, and three national historic sites.

Dave made it clear to us that he’s always open to new ideas. He’s available by phone, internet, mail, or in person. I really respected this and told him afterwards that’s how it should be. There are a number of places in Colwood that are demonstrating sustainability in one way or another. Royal Oak Bakery (3 blocks from our place) bakes all their goods with organic flour. The farmers market held at the Juan de Fuca Rec centre sells local produce on Wednesday nights through the summer. There is also an art gallery called Coast Collective where over 100 local artists show off their work. The Island Chefs Collaborative and the Go Local tomato challenge was also held here in town. The new Aquattro development saved 40% of green space by increasing its density.

One of the biggest questions being asked is “what does Colwood’s future look like?” Dave’s plans include Smart Growth, sewage treatment that harvests methane, water smart, green home construction, fibre optic internet (better business), carbon neutral hotel, solar water heaters, geothermal heating, and becoming the first green learning city in Canada by uniting with RRU. Dave is also very excited about developing on the gravel pit. I hope he takes a sustainable approach when this takes place. These are exciting times for Colwood, let’s hope they accomplish these great dreams.

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