Monday, December 7, 2009

Synthesis of Presentations

The following is a list of some of the topics that were presented this semester. I have picked out six of my favourites to briefly summarize. I will then end with a concluding paragraph on what all of these presentations meant to me.

Smart Design: Ideas and technologies used to efficiently create long term living/working space, reduce negative effects on ecological health, and improve quality of health for residents. One example of Smart Design is LEED (An internationally recognized green building certification system that promotes Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Two of the most important designs featured in LEED buildings include waste reduction and energy and water conservation.

Sustainable Energy: Case study on wind energy in Denmark: Island of Samso where 100%of electricity from wind power generation, powers homes and transit system. Energy use accounts for 53.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions! Solutions exist and we have the technology to mitigate catastrophic climate change. Huge amounts of improvement are possible. Wind energy less than 1% of total global electrical supply. Sustainable energy considerations: Environmental conditions, Cost, Number of beneficiaries / users, Life expectancy.

Green Building: This group presented on “Green Roofs”. Green Roofs address all three sustainable development aspects... 1) Social: Aesthetically pleasing, Therapeutic potential (rooftop gardens, meditation areas) 2) Economic: Reduced heating and cooling costs, Reduced need for eaves troughs = economic savings 3) Ecological: Increased biodiversity, Carbon dioxide sink

Urban Planning: Sustainable Urban Development is thought to be “development that improves the long term social and ecological health of cities and towns”. Key components: Compact and Efficient land use (Mixed Use), Reduction of Waste, Energy Efficient Design, Sustainable Transport Systems, Sustainable economy, Community participation/pride. Urban sprawl on the rise, built around unsustainable single- use communities. Proper urban planning can reduce urban sprawl.

Economics of Sustainability: “Sustainability doesn’t cost - it pays” (Geography of Hope Turner, 2007, p300). This group chose Dockside Green as an economic example. Dockside green uses Triple Bottom Line Accounting to measure their success. The four principles of Natural Capitalism and how Dockside Green is doing this: 1) Efficiency- Metering in every suite (20% energy savings) 2) Bio-mimicry- natural waterways 3) "Service-and-Flow" Business Model- using Interface flooring 4) Reinvest in Natural Capital- waste-to-energy plant

Making Change: Effective communication is the catalyst for change. Historically environmental communication has been “doom and gloom”. We need to make the situation more meaningful to the global community and individuals. Canadian voice of change = David Suzuki. He is an excellent example of making real change, and this is why: Excellent communicator, Utilizes multiple mediums, Inspires change to individuals, Holds political leaders accountable, Supports many projects with shared mission and vision, Focuses on all ages.

As you can see, sustainable development can come in many forms all over the world. All topics seem to have a few things in common. One thing is, they all strive for a better future with long-lasting intentions. They are ideas that consider all aspects of life: social, economic and environmental. Efficiency is one thing that is always taken into consideration, and realizing that Earth’s resources are limited. Also, there tends to be an emphasis on reduction, whether it is waste or energy. New technologies and new ideas are always part of the environmental movement, as this brings about change and improvement. I think that every one of these topics includes groups of people that have worked very hard to get where they are now. They passions are deep and meaningful. It’s always good to have dreams, and these people made them come true. It’s very inspirational to know that these groups and individuals could succeed and show there is a alternative way of doing things in this world.

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